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What should be taken into account when developing the UX-UI design of an online store

May 31, 2022
4 min.
Views: 489

To develop a good product, it's essential to understand its target audience. All users of an online store are unique. Some visitors come to the site in search of a specific product, while others compare and evaluate several alternatives, and some are just browsing for future purchases. They interact with the website but rely on different elements of it. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Seekers of Specific Products

Users who are looking for something specific and, if they don't find it on the current website, will leave and look elsewhere. They are focused on finding a preselected item and purchasing it as quickly as possible. They have no intention of browsing the site.

Tasks for the designer:

  • clear and accurate product descriptions and high-quality images,
  • an efficient search system,
  • quick access to previously purchased items or items added to favorites,
  • a convenient checkout process.

I'm Just Browsing

These users are not potential buyers. They enjoy browsing the site and looking at interesting images. Users of this type want to stay updated on the latest trends, dream about future purchases, or scout for necessary items online before going shopping offline. However, there's a significant advantage in that these visitors can be converted into buyers. To achieve this, it's necessary to:

  • update the product range regularly,
  • create cross-links to different sections,
  • set up sections for "related products" and "recently viewed items",
  • provide options for sharing information about products.


They meticulously plan their purchases: they visit websites, compare products, and seek the best balance between price and quality. For researchers, the product description is crucial, and they value details and specifics. If they don't find answers to their questions, they will simply leave the site. To convert them into customers, become a knowledgeable and trustworthy source of information about the products.

For researchers, the following aspects are important:

  • the ability to compare products,
  • detailed product descriptions,
  • detailed specifications of the product,
  • reviews from other customers,
  • a shopping cart with quick access and easy customization,
  • a wide range of filters.

Discount Hunters

This type of user seeks lucrative deals on any website, whether it's for the exact item they want or something similar. They are eager to quickly obtain discounted products. You can turn these users into loyal customers if:

  • display promotional items prominently,
  • show the original price and the discounted price,
  • offer the option to subscribe to store newsletters and promotions,
  • keep the use of promo codes simple,
  • provide free shipping,
  • offer personalized discounts and bonuses for purchases.

One-time Buyers

Often, these are buyers of large appliances, gift card recipients, and individuals with a limited budget intended for a specific purchase.

What matters to them:

  • user-friendly website navigation,
  • a section with a company description,
  • the ability to make purchases without registration.

Considering the categorization of users into types, you will be able to improve the shopping experience for each of them. This will make the website appealing to all visitors regardless of their goals and the duration of their visit.

Web application development

We will work out the concept, create an adaptive interface, expand the functionality of digital products and test for errors. We will find approaches even to non-standard tasks. You will receive a web application based on a modern technology stack with relevant solutions for your business.

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